Note from GuitarAttack:  This is a pretty standard LP Build, but we really liked the color and some of the touches.  We are seeing more and more of these guitars with lots of upgraded parts.  Good work!


From John Sommer

Dear GuitarAttack,

I just finished my first Saga LP build.

I found the kits online, ordered one and put it together, I really didn't have a plan or idea for paint and just kind of winged it.

The build went very well, for the most part. I also had the veneer crack by the bridge pin holes while I was wet sanding, so be careful while wet sanding.

I also upgraded a few things:
1) Sperzal Locking Tuners.

2) Seymour Duncan Hot Rodded Humbucker Set.

3) 2 Push/pull tone pots to split the coils.

4) 4 coats of primer.

5) 2 coats white.

6) 4 coats Metallic Red (looks pink/purplish) I used a Lacquer based Red Metal Flake Special Effect Finish from Plasti-Kote that I picked up in the automotive section at a local hardware store.

7) about 10 coats of gloss clear......

I am already planning on my next build, with a better plan for paint and just ordered my son his first kit.

Thanks again,

John Sommer



Great job, John -- Keep up the great work!

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